Home Berita Lintasarta Umumkan Delapan Startup Pemenang Appcelerate 2017

Lintasarta Umumkan Delapan Startup Pemenang Appcelerate 2017

Lintasarta Announces Eight Appcelerate 2017 Startup Winners

he eight best digital startups have been selected as winners at the Lintasarta Appcelerate 2017 event. This event was organized by Lintasarta in collaboration with three state universities, namely the Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB), Gadjah Mada University (UGM), and the Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology (ITS).

“Lintasarta along with LPIK ITB, GIB UGM, and BPPU ITS have produced eight startups from different categories. They are all good, all the best. Later, Appcelerate products will be marketed in Lintasarta’s Cloud Marketplace,” said Lintasarta IT Service Director Arya N. Soemali, Wednesday (6/12/2017).

The eight startups are Pijar (online psychology), Bedahia (patient community), Iwak (fishery logistics distribution), Ready Doc (CRM for doctors and clinics), Halofina (Personal Financial Assistant and SME), Cityplan (Platform for urban Planning), Nelbi (Smart Electrical Devices), and Siguri (Integrated Security Devices).

The eight startups above are startups that were selected after undergoing a 3-month incubation and acceleration period at their respective universities, along with other finalists. During the incubation period, these startups have received mentoring, product and business development guidance through various programs involving Lintasarta’s board of directors. The eight startups received the best assessment from the jury, beating other candidates and were also assessed as fulfilling the categories of problem solving, usefulness, having commercial value, and business value. The jury members are the board of directors, Lintasarta’s general manager, and business incubator leaders from 3 universities.

After the final presentation in front of the jury, in the awarding night held at the Millenium Hotel, Jakarta, the best teams from each university were announced, namely Pijar (UGM), HaloFina (ITB), and Siguri (ITS). The three startups each received business development support and cooperation with Lintasarta to enter the B2B market.

Lintasarta Appcelerate is an event for creating business plans in the form of product innovations or digital applications, such as mobile applications, which have business value and can be applied to support various banking, financial, oil & gas, plantation, manufacture, e-health, logistics, transportation , maritime and smart city industrial sectors.

Lintasarta Appcelerate has been started since 2016 and plans to continue to be developed in collaboration with universities in Indonesia.

Graceful Fitrian
Anggun Fitrian adalah penulis di situs Teknopreneur, dengan fokus pada teknologi dan kewirausahaan. Ia meraih gelar Sarjana Ekonomi dari Universitas Airlangga. Berpengalaman dalam penulisan konten dan analisis bisnis, Anggun menginspirasi pembaca dengan wawasan tentang inovasi dan strategi di dunia digital serta perkembangan industri kreatif.