Home Berita Bahas Pembangunan Berkelanjutan, Debat Kedua Pilgub Jateng Digelar 11 November 2024

Bahas Pembangunan Berkelanjutan, Debat Kedua Pilgub Jateng Digelar 11 November 2024


The second debate of the Central Java gubernatorial election will take place at MAC Majapahit, Semarang on Sunday (10 November 2024) next.

The theme of this debate is Sustainable Development: Arrangement and Development of Infrastructure and Food Security in Central Java on Climate Change While Ultimately Improving the Direction of Employment and the Quality of Life of the Community.

Head of the Voter Education and Community Participation Socialization Division of the Central Java KPU, Akmaliyah, said that the Central Java KPU had determined seven panelists to formulate questions relating to the theme.

The panelists were accompanied by Ani Purwati from Undip, Suharnomo from Undip, Abdul Ghofur from UIN Walisongo Semarang, Akhmad Syakir from Undip, Slamet Rosadi from Unsoed, Agus Riwanto from UNS, and Wahyudi Sutopo from UNS.

Last night until dawn for this second debate, we have prepared the panelists for this debate. “Ihvg you have invited us to coordinate,” said Akmaliyah.

In this discussion, the candidates must be able to present their plans for implementing development in Central Java.

Nysius of course spoke about environmental sustainability, infrastructure, and food security in the future in Central Java.

As an addition, Akmaliyah differentiates the implementation of this debate mechanism in principle from the first debate. The situation is set as well as possible for a debate, and whoever will come up and down in the benefit of providing some important information, the situation will last for 150 minutes.

“And the segmentation mechanism is still the same as the first debate,” he added.

Akmaliyah added according to the regulation of the couple of the gubernatorial candidates and the vice gubernatorial candidates of Central Java. Namely Andika Perkasa-Hendrar Prihadi and Ahmad Luthfi – Taj Yasin Maimoen each pair can invite 75 supporters to come during the debate.

“We only allow 75 (for supporters, Ed.) for each candidate pair,” he said firmly.

Ahmad Fadhlan
Achmad Fadhlan adalah Admin Teknopreneur dengan pengalaman luas dalam manajemen proyek dan pengembangan bisnis. Ia meraih gelar Sarjana Manajemen dari Universitas Indonesia dan memiliki sertifikasi dalam digital marketing. Dengan keterampilan komunikasi yang kuat, Fadhlan berkontribusi dalam memperkuat kolaborasi dan inovasi di lingkungan kerja.